Summer Summer sets sail, sun and sunshine prevail. Harbour good-bye, gold ‘s in the sky. Breezes blow well, spinnakers swell - every wind‘s friend am I. Gisela Munz-Schmidt From: My Way along Lake Constance

Aquarell 2020
Föhnstimmung In der Silberschmiede des Windes schmilzt der See und glänzt sich aus. Da glänze ich wortlos mich ein. Gisela Munz-Schmidt Aus: Wege zum See
Foehn Mood This is what happens many a day. At a sudden it's warm in a very strange way. The air is clear. The mountains seem near. The lake shines like a melting pot. Glittering shivering burning hot. A prince and a princess. An access. An excess. From long ago and recently told. Love is madness. A fancy. A frenzy. Water is silver and gold. Gisela Munz-Schmidt From: My Way along Lake Constance
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